Thursday, September 20, 2007


So Shilpa arrived on the island yesterday afternoon.

It's fantastic having her here.

In light of this, it is unlikely I will be posting anything over the next few days. But here are some things I've been putting off - you can look forward to these next week:
  • How to catch a chicken in Bermuda
  • Home is glorious. Commuting will always suck.
  • Why they may be afraid of me.
Shil's here for about 5 days - she leaves next Monday, heading back to Toronto (and subsequently leaves for Scotland on Tuesday).


Paul Louis said...
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Paul Louis said...

No posts?!?! BOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!

I hope you're having fun. I'll just hang out with the cool couple from Queen's that are in the cool country, Joanna and Scott.

Unknown said...

I like your pic RDC. It's snazzerific.
Also, I still can't believe that you're in Burmoooda. Tres exciting!